Saturday, January 3, 2009

Question.....the beginning!

You may think that what kind of title is it! Some of the readers decide whether to read or not by reading the title. I hope such readers get impress by this kind of title. The title for this article is appropriate as you will agree after further reading.
Our every conversation starts with a query in childhood. We annoy our parents by asking thousands of questions. Why is it so? Can I do this? Why it can not be done? How to do this? What will happen if I don't do this...the list grows for every new observation. Don't you think its universal truth that without asking a question you will not grow your knowledge pool? I think mind has 80% of questions in thought process. I doubt whether one can live without asking a question. This could be reason that we are thought the language with small question-answers. Without a question there is no start of conversation. If you meet a friend what will you say to him; will you not ask him, how are you?
I know the question which used to be bugbear in school life; did you do your homework? This question used to be at the mouth tip of teacher as well as parents. In my school days answer to this question should be positive or else you will see the negative character of teacher. You better use your brain to complete homework; else be ready to suffer physical pain. There is one more question which used to bring cramps in school days, when is your exam? Exams remained my weak point always up to 10th. At this point I should not go behind the topic why exams are necessary. How can we forget without solving question paper we don’t become graduate.
One of the big questions which elders keep asking to child is; what you want to be? The answer to this used to vary from time to time. I don’t know how many of us did give the firm answer and how many parents supported the vision of their child. To be very honest my dad never asked me what I want to be; he made me engineer against my will. How many of us really know what we want to achieve in life? This is very philosophical question and you will find numerous quotes on internet on the topic.
Let us come to youngish question. I said youngish because we can ask it only when we are young; after wards the question becomes simply don’t care. There are few brave hearts which can ask this question to a girl. This question and answer to it bring change in personality. One who is replying should also have brave heart. This question is male dominant; girls rarely ask it. Also they pretend that they have given a serious thought before giving answer. I am sure at least one face will flash before you, while reading this. Mighty personalities bow down and ask politely; this is the magic of the question.
Now the interaction which is mere questionnaire is interviews. Some times I wonder whether interviewer knows answer of questions he is asking. I think in interviews you can ask questions which you don’t have answer for. I really hate giving aptitude test; I think companies hire good talent but do they do any justice while assigning work to them.
Now the last but not least, questions of our boss. They are so much concerned about project that they keep you asking, what is status of task assigned? What is your plan to solve the problem? Did you document problem and action taken by you? Most of the leaders in organization are having great faith in these questions and they believe by asking them they are doing a great job. I think we all are familiar with corporate questions; there is no need to list out them.
So can you live without questions!